Sourcewise, a Santa Clara County non-profit Area Agency on Aging, is surveying older adults to ensure services meet the needs of our 60 plus population. We’d like to hear your ideas and learn about services that are needed.
Will you please take some time to help older adults in Santa Clara County by completing a survey? Your responses will assist with planning for services in the coming years. Also, people who complete the survey will have an opportunity to enter a raffle where four people will receive a $50 gift card courtesy of Sourcewise for participating in the survey. In order to enter the raffle, participants will be required to share their email and/or phone number with Sourcewise separate from their survey answers.
The survey should take about 20 minutes to complete. You are free to skip any question(s) you do not wish to answer, and you are not asked for your name on the survey. You should be 60 or older and live in Santa Clara County to participate.
Please complete the survey by July 7th and feel free to share it with others. We really appreciate your help! Thank you.
Sourcewise 是位于圣塔克拉拉县为老人服务的非营利机构。为了确保我们提供的服务满足 县内60岁以上年长者的需求, 我们就此情况进行一次调查。我们希望得到您的建议和想法。
请您花一些时间来完成此问卷调查, 来帮助圣克拉拉县的老年人改善生活吗? 您的意见将有助于我们规划未来几年的服务。此外, 完成这份调查的人将有机会参加抽奖活动, 我们将会随机抽取其中的四位参与者获得由 Sourcewise 提供价值 $50 的礼品卡。为了让您参加抽奖活动, 除了需要完成调查问卷以, 还需参与者向 Sourcewise 提供他们的电子邮件和/或电话的联系方式。
完成此调查大约需要15-20分钟。其中您可以跳过任何不想回答的问题, 并且会以匿名的形式完成。您应该年满60岁并且居住在圣克拉拉县才能参加。
请您在7月7日之前完成此调查, 并请您与他人分享此问卷调查。非常感谢您的帮助, 谢谢!