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ACCC Tai Chi for Health & Longevity
October 5, 2023 , 1:15 pm – 2:45 pm PDT
Volunteer Instructor: Andrew Chang
Tai Chi originated about 1000 years ago in China as a form of martial art. Since then, it has evolved into many styles, usually consisting of 80 to 100 or more movements. In 1956, China commissioned a group of renowned Tai Chi Masters to simplify Tai Chi for the masses. The resulting standardized 24-move Tai Chi applies gentle movements to relax the body and mind, increase stability and balance, reduce stress, and alleviate depression.
義工導師: 張健老師
太極拳起源於大約 1000 年前的中國, 是一種武術形式。 此後, 它演變成了多種風格, 通常由80-100個或更多動作組成。 1956年, 中國委託一批著名太極拳大師為大眾簡化太極拳。 由此產生的標準化 二十四 式太極拳透過輕柔的動作來放鬆身心、增強穩定性和平衡性、減輕壓力並緩解鬱結。
活動地點:ACCC@450 Bryant Street
Fitness Room
How to Participate
All Avenidas Chinese Community Center (ACCC) activities will be presented bilingually in Mandarin and English. Welcome to ages of 50 and above to join.
Avenidas 華人社區中心 (ACCC) 所有活動和課程均以中英文進行 各課程名額有限,各項活動必須預先報名登記。