Free classes are marked in green on the PDF. Classes in orange are for ACCC members by appointment only.
Click image to download PDF calendar.
Classes & Activities
All Avenidas Chinese Community Center (ACCC) activities will be presented in Chinese and English. FREE. Welcome to ages of 50 and above to join. To register and receive a class Zoom link, please contact us at
Avenidas 華⼈社區中⼼所有活動和課程將以中英⽂進⾏。歡迎50歲或以上學員報名參加!。敬請各學員預先發電郵給我們報名登記出席!如果您對我們的課程有興趣或疑問,請聯繫
Registration Process
Email with your name, email address and phone number. Please put the name of the class and # in the subject line.
Once you complete registration for your class, you will receive an email confirmation with the new Zoom link information and instructions for joining the class.
Free in December
* Virtual BaDuanJin – Beginner ⼋段錦 (#9866, in-person: #9864, #9865) / Intermediate ⼋段錦進階班 (#9863)
Beginner (#9866): Wednesdays, 9:20 – 10:15am Intermediate (#9863): Mondays, 2:20 – 3:00pm
BaDuanJin exercise helps to improve your mind and body. Join us for this 45-minutes group exercise practice. A volunteer facilitator will guide you through Eight Pieces of BaDuanJin session. Beginners welcome.
* Happy Feet Meet Happy Hearts (#9871 | #9870) / 歡樂養⾝健體舞
Friday, 9:20 – 10:05am
(Former Lotus Dance) Add the “spice of culture” to your personal fitness program. Happy Feet Meet Happy Hearts is an aerobic dance-fitness program that showcases many of the vibrant cultures of the continent of Asia. Classes will combine different dance styles, music, and cultural props for a fun experience. Enjoy Bollywood, bandari, k-pop, taiko drumming, fan dance, and more!
+ Technology Class in Mandarin / 通訊科技國語電腦班
Thursdays, 9:00 – 10:00am
Offered through Senior Planet’s Mandarin Multilingual Technology Program. For details on each week’s session, visit
Holiday Karaoke Party #9877 at 450 Bryant St.
Friday, December 8, 1:30-3:30pm.
1:30-3:30PM K歌佳節歡樂會
Masks are recommended, please stay home if you are sick.
Please note: Class schedule may change or be cancelled due to the shelter-in-place order and/or restrictions.
New to Zoom? Check out the How to Join a Zoom Meeting tutorial (PDF version available in Chinese).
Contact Information
Email: | Chinese/English Bilingual Phone: (650) 289-5409
請電郵華人社區中心索取我們中心更多的資訊, 或致電我們的雙語(中文/英文)電話查詢 (650) 289-5409.